How valuable are your staff who possess those rare skills such as being a strong communicator & presenter, an effective chair at meetings, a strong motivator & influencer of individuals & teams?
We can up-skill your workforce with the most flexible blended learning programme you can find. It's called "Eating the Elephant"©. So how do you eat an elephant you may ask? A chunk at a time is our response!
How difficult is it to release staff for a whole days training? How engaged are they when they are attending a training day? No matter how good the trainer is & how interesting the workshop is, concentration levels will always vary between individuals & between times of the day (the dreaded after lunch spot, for instance). We understand the pressures organisations are under having worked as managers ourselves. Releasing staff for a whole day or even 2 to 3 days at a time can be debilitating for a team, function or levels of customer service.
"Eating the Elephant"© is about short, maximum 2 hour, intensive, energising & motivating development sessions, held on site with a multi skilled developer/facilitator who can run three sessions in a day at different times & on different skills/subjects. Delegates attend four 2 hour sessions over a two week period at days & times to suit them &/or the team/organisation. We use accelerated learning techniques to maximise the learning potential of your staff, they don't have time to loose concentration, they have time between the sessions to reflect & absorb the learning, they are given practical work based practice exercises to embed their new skills and you can have three separate skills programmes running simultaneously with just one trainer on site. Best of all, your staff are only away from their desk/workplace for a short period.
The most effective training programme you can get from both a cost & learning perspective. Our team are qualified CIPD professionals with backgrounds in psychology, NLP & Transactional Analysis and have a blend of skills and experience from industry & consultancy, private & public sectors.
We run programmes like:
Interested in Eating an Elephant? Or if you prefer a more traditional course based approach call or e-mail to discuss how we can create the best, most flexible skills programme you have had.